About me

Hieu Trung Nguyen is an incoming PhD student at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), advised by Prof. Viet Anh Nguyen. Previously, he was a Research Resident at VinAI, Hanoi, Vietnam (Batch 8). He earns a Bachelors Degree at HCM University of Information Technology (UIT) - Vietnam National University, under supervised by Dr. Ngoc Hoang Luong.

🌟 News

August 2024:

May 2024:

  • 1 paper is accepted at UAI 2024
  • 2 papers are accepted at ICML 2024

July 2022:

  • Started a wonderful journey at VinAI Research

📜 Publications

  1. Cold-start Recommendation by Personalized Embedding Region Elicitation, with Duy Nguyen, Khoa Doan and Viet Anh Nguyen. UAI 2024.

  2. Explaining Graph Neural Networks via Structure-aware Interaction Index, with Ngoc Bui, Viet Anh Nguyen and Rex Ying. ICML 2024.

  3. Generative Conditional Distributions by Neural (Entropic) Optimal Transport, with Bao Nguyen, Binh Nguyen, and Viet Anh Nguyen. ICML 2024.

  4. Forget but Recall: Incremental Latent Rectification in Continual Learning, with Nghia D. Nguyen, Ang Li, Hoang Pham, Viet Anh Nguyen, Khoa D. Doan. Preprint

  5. Combining Soft-Actor Critic with Cross-Entropy Method for Policy Search in Continuous Control, with Khang Tran and Ngoc Hoang Luong. IEEE CEC 2022 (Oral)

🏵️ Honors and Awards

  • April 2022: Bachelors Thesis with highest score!
  • September 2018 - April 2022: Honor Student Scholarship for all Academic Years - UIT